Thursday, July 16, 2009

Getting Your Feet Wet

How do I get into the event planning business? There are lots of ways. But the BEST possible way is:
- Get an internship and work your tail off for someone else for free so you can get your feet wet.

It worked for me.

“When you know… you just know…”

It didn’t even take one day before I knew event planning was exactly what I wanted to do. Stepping foot into Gala I just knew this place would be my new home. Coming in with the mentality that my job would be so glamorous, I was in for a rude awakening.
I never thought that this industry would be so hard, hard, HARD!

It is safe to say that in this industry there is never a dull moment. From the minute you step foot through the door, there is always something to do, a challenge to endure and accomplish.

Finding what you love to do is the key to success…

by Tala Farr, Event Planner

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