Friday, February 20, 2009

Lifestyle Consultants

With spring on the horizon Gala events has decided to break out of the winter doldrums by expanding dramatically. 2009 has certainly come in like a lion, with the inauguration of President Obama, to crazy trends, and the search for stability in these times of economic uncertainty.
Over the years we at Gala Events have been asked to do and produce many things. A concept we continuously find our selves coming back to is how we can continue to expand our one stop shop of resources. Which brings me to our latest and most noteworthy endeavor: becoming lifestyle consultants. What is a lifestyle consultant you ask? Put simply a life style consultant is an individual who provides expert advice and guidance. Clients often come to Gala searching for that one person they can trust to help them be the best that they can possibly be. Effortlessly planned parties, keeping them abreast of what is new in town and bringing the latest trends from all over the world to the greater Washington, DC area. What we have realized is that as we get more and more integrated into our client’s lives we find ourselves offering more and more services. Gala’s new approach provides our clients with the stability and support of the unbiased eye they crave while still producing intriguing combinations, and always delivering that trademark gala sparkle setting each event apart from the rest. As 2009 roars forward Gala’s taken its own approach to perpetuating the idea of freshness and renewal by adding lifestyle consultants to list of available services.
Wishing you a fabulous 2009!

by Jaime Greenwald, President

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